“The next day as Cornelius’s messengers were nearing the town, Peter went up on the flat roof to pray. It was about noon, and he was hungry. But while a meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw the sky open, and something like a large sheet was let down by its four corners. In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and birds. Then a voice said to him, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat them.’
‘No, Lord,’ Peter
declared. ‘I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared
impure and unclean.’
But the voice spoke
again: ‘Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.’ The same vision
was repeated three times. Then the sheet was suddenly pulled up to heaven.”
Acts 10:9-16
I have to admit there have been times that I was jealous of
Peter’s experience here. I am not proud of my jealousy by any means. I have
longed for the “neon sign” or the “sheet to drop from the heavens” so that I
would know what I was supposed to do in potentially life changing
circumstances. Those circumstances seem so petty in comparison to the
circumstances leading to Peter’s “heavenly sheet” experience. None the less, I
wanted that assurance, that clear, undeniable guidance given directly from God.
The only problem is that God only did that once in scripture for Peter (that we
know of) and it is pretty arrogant to think he would do it for me. Who am I do
ask such a thing?
Well, the most amazing thing happened. I had a “neon sign”
or “sheet drop from heaven” experience. Okay, there was not an actual neon sign
or a literal sheet dropping from the heavens. I did not enter into a trance or
hear the audible voice of God. I did get some of the most confirming moments of
my life in regards to a life changing situation. I did get goose bump clear
direction from the God who created me. I did get “that never happens”
incidents. God loves me so much that he chose to give me what I needed but did
not ask for, not this time anyway, the “heavenly sheet.”
Here is the scoop in a nutshell.
I have been seeking a Lead Pastor position for the past six
months. I had my resume out to several churches and I was waiting. Then out of
the blue I received an email about a position that I didn’t even know existed
in a town that I didn’t know existed. Fast forward several weeks and my husband
and I found ourselves in a lovely living room full of passionate people who
were hoping that I might be the right fit for their church. Before we know it
the still small voice of God is speaking to me and my husband about selling our
house, a house that we originally were going to keep as a rental - “heavenly
sheet” number one.
Now two months later, I sit in my living room that soon will
be someone else’s living room. “Heavenly sheet” number two, was a unanimous ‘yes’
vote from the congregation to call me as their next pastor. And last but not
least, “heavenly sheet” number three was getting and accepting an offer on our
house after only 4 days on the market. The packing has begun and logistics are
being worked out as we prepare to move to Indiana where I will become the Lead
Pastor of a church poised to make an impact on its community. We are excited as
we get ready to begin this new adventure. The comment that me and my husband
keep saying to each other through this whole process, “This is crazy!”
To be clear, I am in no way claiming to have had the same
experience as Peter in the above passage. I do not equate this little moment in
my life with the world altering encounter that Peter had with God in that
moment. All I am saying is that God still speaks clearly to his people. He can
give you the “neon sign” or the “heavenly sheet” and when he does, respond and
follow. It may be terrifying or thrilling or both. Take the leap, you won’t
regret it.
Where has God given clear guidance in your life? What are
you going to do about it?