The ocean bears the mark of its Creator. God's power is
undeniable and unstoppable. Like the beach as the waves wash over it is
altered, so an encounter with God alters one's life. The experience changes you
forever. You will not be left the same way you were found.
This is how it is when we encounter Jesus Christ. Every
encounter with Jesus leaves us changed. Maybe the change seems subtle on the
surface but is actually transformative deep in our soul. Sometimes the change
is drastic and easily seen by all who know you. The woman at the well is such
as encounter.
Let me paraphrase the story from John chapter 4. Jesus
decides to go through Samaria as he travels with his disciples. Jesus waits at
a well, tired and thirsty, while the disciples head into town. At this well,
Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman whom he should not speak to because Jews and
Samaritans don't mix. He asks her for a drink from the well which begins a life
changing conversation. After chatting for a bit about religious viewpoints and her
shameful personal life situation, Jesus brings her to a moment of revelation.
"The woman said, 'I know that Messiah'
(called Christ) 'is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.'
Then Jesus declared, 'I, the one
speaking to you - I am he.'" (John 4:25-26, NIV)
What happens next? A once ashamed woman, chooses to boldly
go into the village that shamed her to tell them about the Christ that told her
"everything she ever did" (v. 29). She was transformed by the
powerful and relentless love of God. It washed over her and left her altered. She
no longer bowed her head in shame. Instead, she walked with joy.
Through her transformation others came out to see Jesus and
many more experienced the love of God washing over them and they, too, were
altered. None of those who encountered Jesus that day walked away the same.
What part of your life needs washed with God's relentless
love? A love that not only forgives but transforms. A love that wants you to
become who you were created to be. A love that can rearrange our souls - moving
some things to a different place and removing those things that don't belong there.
Will you surrender and allow him to do this in you today?
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